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Adriano Fracalossi

 He was born in 1958. As Painter and Engraver, is the owner of "M. Fogolino" Art Gallery, located in Trento and is part of “La Cerchia”, the Trentino's artists group.
He's attended the summer engraving technical and applied courses of the “Scuola Internazionale di Grafica” in Venice and in Salzburg also the hand-engraving courses of the “Sommerakademie” . Starts to exhibit his works since 1979 he has several solo exhibitions to his credit along with the participation to collective art show in Italy and abroad. We can mention “Premio Segantini” in Arco (1981 , rewarded) , “Expoarte” in Bari (1983) , “Whodunit” in Tenno (Riva del Garda) in the 1986, “VIII Rassegna della Stampa d’Arte” in Urbino (1988) , “Arte Fiera” of Bologna (1990), “Intergraf”, international graphical art-fair in Udine (1993),

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Annalisa Lenzi

As a visual artist, she stared approaching the stone painting as self-taught some yars ago. Then she followed several courses to deepen the study of painting techniques, fascinated and influenced by surrealism, by metaphysics and street art. With paintings, installations and works visual-sound she likes to manipulate reality and bring the viewer into a parallel world where nothing is normal.

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Bruno Degasperi 

He was born in Civezzano (TN) in the 1944, and completed his studies at the Art Institute of Trento and at the “Magistero d’Arte” in Venice. He taught painting techniques at Art Institute of Trento. Several are their Solo and collective Exhibitions in Italy and abroad (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, USA, Canada, Germany e Spain). Hi still oparate actively also in fresco painting, for public works: we find his frescoes in the San Martino church and in the apse of Monte Terlago's church; a canvas in the church Vigolo Baselga; the hall-wall of the nursery school of Lavis. In the 1995 partecipated to “Correnti ed arcipelaghi, attualità dell’arte in Trentino” at Ivano Castle.

In 2002/2003 is present in Bruxelles, Marcinelle and in Berlino con la rassegnat the art-show “Storie di montagna”;

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Carla Caldonazzi

In the 70s she started the pictorial application with the group “Studio Arti Visuali” in Trento, under the stage-managing of Mariano Fracalossi. Is first solo exhibition occurred at “Fogolino” Art Gallery of Trento in 1984. Following Solos had taken place in Caldonazzo, Riva del Garda, Trento, Mestre, Venice, Innsbruck, Hermosillo (Mexico). She's part of “La Cerchia” Trentinos' Artists Group, as President in charge, and of the “Unione cattolica artisti italiani (UCAI)” artist group.

She's several participations to solo and collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad (Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Spain, Belgium). In 2005 to mention a Solo in Caldonazzo at the Cultural Center “La Fonte” and in Trento with “Tracce” at the “Istituto Pedagogico A.Rosmini”.

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Domenico Ferrari

He was born in Trento in 1949. He studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera with Cantatore and Purificato. In 1972 he graduated. He alternates the painter activity with that of engraver.
Since 1969 he has participated in more than two hundred collective exhibition and has to his credit thirty national and international solo exhibitions. He received several awards over the years and honors. To notice in particular the following exhibitions: 1974 Collective Students of Brera at Rotonda Besana Milan; Review "Situation" at Praetorian Palace, Trento 1975; Quadrennial National Art fair, Rome- 1978; International Exhibition "Kunstausstellug der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Alpenlaender" in Munich, Bregenz, Innsbruck, Bolzano and Milan; National Exhibition Expo in Bari;

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Elisa Zeni

She was born in Spormaggiore the 29th of February 1980. In 1999 she graduated at the Institute of Arts "A. Vittoria "of Trento, in the experimental course in Painting and Visual Art. Between 1999 and 2000 she attended the Course of Restoration od artistic Works at UIA-International University of Art, La Giudecca (Venice). During these first studies, she improved her tecnique in the world of restoration, working eight years in the conservation intervention of frescoes, wooden sculptures and paintings on canvas and wood. Then she graduated with honors in the spring of 2005 in the Science of Cultural Heritage at the University of Trento with a thesis on the "House of the Frescoes" in Ossana(TN). In the 2006 she began to devote herself to the development of his personal artistic and pictorial expressiveness, mainly oil supported .

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Giorgio Tomasi

He began to draw and paint in the seventies, attending the courses of the Visual Arts Studio Group in Trento. Many are his participations in group exhibitions in Italy (awarded) and abroad with the group "La Cerchia" (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Germany and Spain). There are also several solo: in 2002 at the gallery Fogolino of Trento,

in 2003 he participated in Brussels, Martinelle and later in Berlin at the exhibition "Stories of the mountain." In 2004, inToronto (Canada). In 2005 he took part in the collective homage to Mariano Fracalossi "Imaginary solutions", hosted at the Trentini palace (TN). He exhibited in a solo in Caldonazzo at "La Fonte".

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Ilario Tomasi 

Born in Trento in 1940, he’s painter and engraver. He is engaged in jewelry from the young age and in 1960 he graduated as Goldsmith at the Art Institute of Valenza (Alessandria). In 1970, after having participated in the courses in drawing and painting at the “Università Popolare” of Trento, became one of the founders of the Visual Arts Studio Group of Trento, with whom he worked until 2000. Since 1989, with the group of Trentino’s artists "La Cerchia", organizes and participates in art events, especially in America (United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile) and Europe (Germany, Spain, Belgium and other countries). In 2006 he participated in the group show "La Cerchia and the city" in Kempten and Trento. In 2007 he participated in the group exhibition "Elsewhere" in Trento and Magdalena (Mexico), "Peasant Memory" in Trento and Borgo Valsugana (TN) with "Borgo between reality and fantasy."

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Livio Conta

Born in Monclassico in 1939, he devoted himself to drawing and painting very young. From 1952 to 1957 he attended the Art Institute of Ortisei dedicating to wood carving, painting and graphics.
In 1962 he moved to Paris and enrolled at the School of Design Museum of the Louvre studying at the same time, the Impressionists.

In 1963 he moved to Pietrasanta and Carrara devoting himself to marble sculpture; there he met Marino Marini.
His name is listed in the most popular and distinctive art publications and his works are in foreign private collections. He exhibited in several galleries both in Italy and abroad, with long stay in Milan and Rome.

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Paolo Dalponte

Paolo Dalponte was born in Poia di Lomaso the 15th of April 1958. He attended the National Applied Art Institute “A. Vittoria” of Trento, where graduated with the highest marks. Since the half 70s he dedicated himself to oil on canvas tecnique and about ten years later also to the graphic arts. Since 1989 is a member “Andromeda” Art Studio of Trento and deals successfully with the comic graphic art, receiving several honors and awards in Italy and abroad (Belgrade, Antares- Turkey, Kaliningrad-Russia, Marostica, Bordighera, Presov-Slovakia Rep., Iran, Beijing, Odessa-Ukraine, Surgut-Siberia. In 1992 he created for Edizioni Arca of Trento the game “Trentatretrentini”.

In 1998 made the book “Disegni di segni”, which thanks to he won the “Palma d’Oro” of Bordighera.

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Pierluigi Negriolli

Pierluigi Negriolli was born in Levico Terme where he debuted with his first solo show in 1972. Comic historical book art designer as well as illustrator, he also produced some sets for the “Neruda” theater group. At the end of the eighties expanded his activities to painting. Among the various exhibitions, to note his participation since 1994 in all editions of the "Biennale Pergine of Painting". Since 1999 he is part of the group of Trentino’s artists "La Cerchia" and participated in solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad (Germany, Mexico, Paraguay, Canada).
In 2001 he was present at the International Festival "The Alps in the comic", inserted into the International Mountain Film Festival "Città di Trento". In 2002 and 2003, he’s in Brussels and Berlin for the Exhibition "Stories of the mountain",  and then in Trento, at “Trentini” palace for "Arte Trentina del '900 “.

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Tullio Gasperi 

Tullio Gasperi has been operating for over forty years in the field of Visual Arts. Humanistic cultural training, but artistically self-taught, he nevertheless attended in Trento for three years the "Study of the Figure" courses of the prof. Mariano Fracalossi, and both "International Courses of Engraving Techniques" at the State Institute of Art in Urbino under the supervision of the professors Sanchini and Ceci.Since 1987 he’s part of the group of Trentino’s artists "La Cerchia" with he exhibited constantly which, in Italy but also in several European countries and in the Americas. He has had numerous solo exhibitions and participation in many contests with awards too. In 2002, Baselga di Pine editing a large monograph on his work, and in 2003 his work was included in the book "Arte Trentina del 900" (1975-2000) published by the Provincial Council of Trent.

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