Carla Caldonazzi
In the 70s she started the pictorial application with the group “Studio Arti Visuali” in Trento, under the stage-managing of Mariano Fracalossi. Is first solo exhibition occurred at “Fogolino” Art Gallery of Trento in 1984. Following Solos had taken place in Caldonazzo, Riva del Garda, Trento, Mestre, Venice, Innsbruck, Hermosillo (Mexico). She's part of “La Cerchia” Trentinos' Artists Group, as President in charge, and of the “Unione cattolica artisti italiani (UCAI)” artist group.
She's several participations to solo and collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad (Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Spain, Belgium). In 2005 to mention a Solo in Caldonazzo at the Cultural Center “La Fonte” and in Trento with “Tracce” at the “Istituto Pedagogico A.Rosmini”.